Monday, 3 August 2009

Read your email

Due to the unplanned nature of our teams attitude to upgrades or changes, nobody had thought it nessecary to inform our users that there would be changes to the way they would log onto the network and their webmail.

As we needed to do these changes I decided to send out an email to this effect :-

“We are making some changes to the wya you log onto your computers at XXXXX and your webmail over the next few weeks.

Should you find that you cannot log onto your computer follow these steps (change domain name and log on as usual and wait for me to come and sort out outlook)

Should you find you cannot log onto webmail, go to this address and type in newdomain\username and there you go.

Please print out this email or forward it to your personal email so that you can access it at the point you cannot log on.”


Oh no. Firstly can I just say that these people I am emailing are, in general, teaching degrees, masters and PhD’s. Clever folks.

I get an email (from current webmail system) saying I cannot access this new email and I really need to get at it, I can’t be without access to my email as I am in China and must keep in contact with all my students and colleagues. So I explain that she won’t be able to access the new system until her account has been migrated.

But I need access now, she says (in her email from the current webmail) I can’t wait, I need to be able to get to my emails its very important (she says in her email from the current system where she can still access her email and stay in contact)

For fucks sake – just read what I wrote – you are not stupid (I wish I had written) You HAVENT been migrated yet (so you can still access your emails the way you always have) and when you have been migrated you can use these instructions to get at your email without delay.

GRRRRRR moan wimble whinge grumble groan mutter to self about usuless stupid clever people who CANT READE

Thanks – she said – that makes it clear I understand – you are ever so helpful.

Luckily, another happy user. Me, hair pulled out, eyes glaring, need to go out for a smoke to calm down. Other users weren’t so happy tho :-(

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