Friday, 30 October 2009

Sticky Saab Dashboards


Its the end of the week.

Its the end of the month.

I haven’t blogged much at all. Its been busy and I have had little motivation to do so.

We bought a new car, a saab 9-3 2.2TiD, thanks to the taxman letting me save money for the past years with them, although I notice that they dont give me any interest!

They had overcharged my tax about 18 months ago or possibly a little longer and I had rung them every 3 months or so and they said either the overpayment would be taken off my current taxes or that I would get a cheque. Neither of these happened.

The next time I rang they said oh yes you will get a cheque, I dont know how much but I will send you a letter. Sure enough a letter arrived saying that I had over paid my tax and it would be repaid by me not paying as much tax. Fair enough.  In the same post there was another letter saying I had over paid my tax and they would be sending me a cheque in the next few weeks. This letter had a different amount on it but still, fair enough.  In the same post was a cheque. I opened the letters in that order too, otherwise I would have got very confused!.

As the Renault does 32 mpg and I drive about 100 miles round trip to work every day, we thought it best to find a more frugal motor. I ummed and ahed about it as usual and then one day on the way home went and test drove the saab, arriving home in it and surprising ‘er indoors who then drove it back to the garage. It had done 150,000 miles but has full service history and seemed fine and should do more than 40mpg hopefully 45, so we bought it and although we have had a few niggles it is all ok.

I spent last weekend putting in my Ipod controller and display so I can change tracks without killing myself. The electrical bit  was fine but could I get the display and the controller to stick to the dashboard? Could I hell? It disposed of the double sided stiky tabs without a second glance (or even a second). It laughed at double sided sticky tape although that did take a little longer. Double sided carpet tape went by the wayside too until I came across no more nails double sided sticky tape ready to hold 50Kg stuck to anything.

Except Saab dashboards apparently. The controller stuck fine and has stayed there but the display would not stick on the vertical surface even though it does not weigh very much. In the end I changed where I was going to put it and stuck it on the horizontal part of the dash and it is there if a little wobbly!

Oh the joy!!!!!

As the aerial was bust I had had no sound for a week in the car and to drive around with some music on was a great pleasure. I also bought an audiobook from itunes an Ian Rankin one and have listened to that on my way home most evenings and thoroughly enjoyed listening to it. Strangely, everyone I have mentioned this to has said oh no that would send me to sleep, I couldnt do that and drive. I on the other must be wired differently (yes yes I know) because I enjoyed Gravy’s adventures very much although i do like Ian Rankins books.

I had made a playlist of bouncy tracks to listen to in the morning on the way to work but by today I was fed up of it so I had alook through adn decided to listen to Pyromania

“Just when it seemed like synthesizers had taken over the airwaves, along comes Def Leppard with Pyromania, a heavy-metal album full of brawling guitars and boasting state-of-the-radio production. Steve Clark and new member Phil Collen's fat fuzz riffs and power chords are more emotionally charged than most of the synthesized disco that passes for "modern music," and Robert John "Mutt" Lange's work behind the board brings singer Joe Elliott's screaming vocals into focus.”

said Rolling Stone Magazine. and I agree

Rock Rock Till You Drop and I’ll be back


  1. You could have used nails?

  2. There were no more nails on the strip silly!

  3. The nails were naked?

  4. completely naked, stripped you see :-)
