So its Monday morning – Sunday started normally, I went to football because mylove was insistent the night before that she was ok and I should go.
She didn't have a good night and in the morning after her shower she was in an awful lot of pain and started to have trouble breathing. The hospital phoned me at football and said that and that she would like me to be there to hold her hand so I went straight in and saw her.
She was away with the fairies doped up with morphine and on oxygen. She didn't really know much of what was going on. Neither do the doctors really. Her white cell count is coming down which means the infection is lessening thanks to the anti-biotics but as her pain is getting worse they are unsure what is causing the pain. They said her ultra sound and blood tests are basically ok and they want to do a CT scan to look inside and see what's going on. A surgical blokey came along too and he again said they didn't know and they would have to find out what's what.
Later in the day she perked up and was as good as she was the day before, We read the papers and watched some silly football before playing hangman. She was doing fine until it got nearer to me leaving which is always a hard time for us both. I left her again hoping that she would be ok and that the improvement would continue who knows what today will bring.
Its a bit of a roller coaster really up and ok one hour and scarily frightening the next. But she is in the best place for all that i hate hospitals and the way they have dealt with her in the past we have faced none of the horrors of her previous visits. They are doing their best working their way through a series of steps to find out what is happening and trying to make sense of a confusing set of symptoms and test results.
Ah an update this morning the boss man came to see her and is now worried about a shadow on her ovary, annoying when several different bods have said that it had seemed ok. So she is to have an MRI scan today poor love. She hates MRI so much they give her claustrophobia and are normally quite uncomfortable for her to be lying on the bed there. At least then they can get a picture of her insides and hopefully it will be conclusive showing something which we can then find out what they are going to do about it.
A bright and sunny cold day, I walked the dog and talked to the sheep again. The birds were in full force today lovely birdsong all around, I hope it continues.